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SymbolicBot AI


Hello Everyone, I’m excited to share my latest project: SymbolicBot AI, a modern take on symbolic AI. While the idea of symbolic rule-based systems and Symbolic AI programs has existed since the 1950s and 1960s, my goal was to create my own version to deepen my understanding of AI and provide a learning resource for

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Hello Everyone! I’m thrilled to unveil my latest project, “GridBoxCube”, a unique interactive 3D experience that combines creative design with technical innovation. About the Project GridBoxCube is a cutting-edge application that features: The primary goal of this project is educational, highlighting how perspectives shift between being enclosed within a box and being surrounded by the

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Hello everyone, I am thrilled to share my latest project, “StarsExpressWay.” This interactive JavaScript-based application simulates a semi-relativistic approach to traveling from zero to 100% of the speed of light. The project combines creative artistry with a scientific edge to deliver an engaging and visually captivating experience. About the Project The idea behind “StarsExpressWay” is

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